The Focus Ireland team are here to help with any questions or queries you might have about The Big Busk or your fundraising. If your question is not answered in the FAQs below, please do get in touch via email.

A adult playing a guitar


How do I register as a participant in The Big Busk for Focus Ireland?

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We’re calling on singers, musicians, performers, and buskers to sign up and take part in The Big Busk for Focus Ireland. There are two ways you can get involved in The Big Busk:

  1. Busk with us: You can perform at one of Focus Ireland’s organised events in Dublin, Cork or Limerick; or
  2. Organise your own: gather your family and friends to organise your own event. Select your option and follow the prompts to register and creating your own fundraising page.

Can I take part of a group?

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Yes, you can take part as a group. When you are singing up, you will be asked if you are part of a group, and if so, how many people are in your group.

You will be considered a group as soon as there is 2+ of you willing to register and take part in The Big Busk together. A group can also be an existing choir or band.

Will I be guaranteed a place at one of Focus Ireland's busking event if I sign up?

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No, unfortunately we cannot guarantee you a place due to high demand. Focus Ireland will endeavour to accommodate those who have registered their interest however there are a limited number of busking timeslots available.

Focus Ireland reserves the right to refuse any application.

Will I be asked for any additional information?

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Yes, you may be asked to provide a sample of your busk before we can confirm your involvement i.e. a recording or video link. Don't worry, it doesn't have to be a high production video, you can simply record yourself on your phone if needed.


What is the best way to fundraise for The Big Busk for Focus Ireland?

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We have prepared loads of useful resources to help you with your fundraising for The Big Busk. Find all the resources on your online dashboard, or email us with any queries: busk@focusireland.ie

How do I take donations for The Big Busk event?

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  • Join a Focus Ireland busking event: Members of the public may leave donations in Focus Ireland branded collection buckets, or choose alternative options provided by Focus Ireland including tap-to-donate, phone call, or website donations. Please note that participants of The Big Busk do not have permission to take donations on the street or outside event venues.
  • Organise Your Own Event: You can use Focus Ireland collection boxes (cardboard) at your event and share your own online fundraising page (via email, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter). Your supporters can click on the link and pay online to your page. Your supporters can also search for your fundraising page on the website. You can also encourage your audience to donate through the Focus Ireland website (with options to donate online or by phone). 

Please note that participants of The Big Busk do not have permission to take donations on the street or outside event venues.

How do I send donations to Focus Ireland?

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Please read the fundraising guide available on The Big Busk website which provides options for you to send your donations to Focus Ireland.


What is busking?

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Busking is the act of playing music in a public place for voluntary donations. Though the purpose of this event focuses on musical performance, it does not limit itself to music alone and may incorporate a broader spectrum of performance including dancing, juggling, mime, living statue or puppeteering to name but a few. As of 2020, it also incorporates online performances for voluntary donations.

What type of busking is allowed?

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We would like to welcome a variety of acts and performances on the condition that busking activities are safe, accessible, and non-offensive. Busking must cause the minimum disruption to pedestrian traffic, conduct of businesses, community safety, and public amenity. We will also not permit the use of animals as part of performances with concern for animal welfare.

Please email busk@focusireland.ie if you have any queries relating to your act.

Please note that we reserve the right to decline an application if the busking activity is deemed inappropriate. 

Where can I busk on Friday 7 March?

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  • Join a Focus Ireland busking event: Choose one of our organised events in Cork, Dublin, Limerick, Waterford and Sligo, and perform at designated busking locations approved by Focus Ireland.
  • Organise Your Own Event: Consider local venues such as schools, community centres, shopping centres, etc. who may be able to host your event. Please ensure that you have the necessary permissions to hold your fundraising event from the owner/ management of your chosen venue. Please ensure that you do not busk in open public spaces i.e., streets, or public parks, as you will require permits to do this.

What happens at The Big Busk for Focus Ireland?

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  • Join a Focus Ireland busking event: Arrive prior to your performance and check in with Focus Ireland organisers. You will have 30 minutes to perform during a designated time slot between 8am and 8pm on Friday 7 March. 
  • Organise Your Own Event: Organise your event to take part alongside nationwide busking events across the country on Friday 7March. Plan the event in as much detail as you can, where will it be, who will be performing, will there be a speech, how will you collect donations etc.? Get help from friends, family, and colleagues if you need. This means that things will run smoothly on the night! Enjoy your event and be proud for playing your part to help those experiencing homelessness in Ireland.

Do I have to bring my own instruments and equipment?

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Yes, please bring your own instruments and music equipment. We encourage minimal set-up for a busk.

Will there by any equipment there i.e. a microphone?
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No, you will need to bring all equipment that you may need for your performance including a microphone and sound system.

Will I be able to connect my equipment to a power supply?

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Yes, there will be a power source available. 

If you are organising your own event, please check with the owners or management of your chosen venue.

Do we have to take part on Friday 7 March?

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Yes – The Big Busk for Focus Ireland takes place on March 7th, and we are excited about creating a shared experience across the country on the day. Focus Ireland and Today FM will be joined by musicians, artists, performers, and buskers nationwide to send a collective message of hope to people experiencing homelessness and allows us to all come together in solidarity together to show that homelessness is wrong.

Contact Us

Please email our team at