Super Focused set list
Focus Ireland customers, LEAP Ambassadors and staff have shared their favourite songs, both happy and sad, to create this playlist. Each song is accompanied by a personal anecdote, adding a meaningful touch to this playlist.
Are you taking part in The Big busK?
Are you gearing up to take part in The Big Busk? Elevate the experience by incorporating a song request from the Super Focused Set List to add an extra special touch. Share the stories of the song with your audience and make the day truly special.

'Dancing on my own' by Callum Scott
This song hits right at home. I am a former foster child and I used to see other kids go to new families and I never had that chance. When I was older and in relationships, it was never just me, there was always someone else and even foster homes, it wasn't me they wanted.
Keilie, LEAP Ambassador
'Dog days are over' by Florence & the machine
If I *had to* pick just one Florence song, this would be it. I just love the build up and energy and, for me, the song means moving forward to the brighter days ahead.
Tara, Focus Ireland, Dublin
'Something inside (so strong)' by Labi Siffre
Words are brilliant.
It reminds me of life's struggles and to keep going and don't give up.
'Valerie' by Amy Winehouse
I always heard my mother sing it and then be hearing it on the radio so it brings me back to the time when we were still smiling through the struggles.
James, LEAP Ambassador
'This is the Life' by Amy McDonnell
Reminds me of the time when I was living in a hostel and the lyrics are very appropriate for me.
Anonymous, Limerick Customer
'Crazy Dreams' by Paul Brady
I have always been a huge Paul Brady fan both his solo music and stuff with Planxty and Crazy Dreams is a song I end up singing along to. It reminds me of going to festivals, camping out in summer, growing up but also becoming independent and following our own dreams
Pat, CEO Focus Ireland, GALWAY
'The Lightening Seeds' by Life of Riley
This song was written about the songwriter’s son, Riley, and I called my little boy Riley, so this is his song. It’s written from the perspective of a new parent about making time for the good things in life and good wishes for their child.
Tara, Focus ireland, dUBLIN
'Search for the hero' by M People
This song means a lot to me in general but has significant poignance due to a late Focus Ireland colleague Liz Farrell who died recently. This song was played at Liz's recent memorial.
Rachel, Focus ireland, dUBLIN
'True Colours' by Cyndi Lauper
This song means faith, friendship, and the courage of being true and real to yourself.
Kirsty, FOCUS IRELAND, Limerick
'Hallelujah' by Jeff Buckley
The song 'Hallelujah' is like a prayer to me, and I did a lot of praying for somewhere to live.
'Winter's Tale' by David Essex
Just makes me think of past relationship breakdowns and reminds me of the pain we all feel when this happens. It can be a lonely time and makes me realise how much we need other people.
Des, LEAP Ambassador
'Better Days' by dermot kennedy
This song inspires on the tough days that we may experience.
KIRSTY, Focus Ireland, Limerick
'Supermarket Flowers' by Ed Sheeran
It’s the one song I used to listen to when my nanny passed away, just reminds me of her so much when I was younger going to the supermarket and picking out flowers. It's one of the rare memories I have of her before she got sick.
'Ain't Nobody' by Chaka Khan
Just have to hear the intro to this song and it makes me smile and want to dance.
Sandra, Focus Ireland, Wexford
'Out of Reach' by Gabrielle
This music reminds me of the rides after school with my father to my grandmother’s house, when I was very young, back in 2000/2001, it was always playing on the radio, and I loved to sing this song with him on the car. Unfortunately, he passed away 10 years ago, so it is just part of a good memory I will keep in my heart forever.
Rita, Focus Ireland, Dublin
'Born to Run' by Bruce Springsteen
I am a massive fan of Bruce and try to go to see him whenever he is here in Ireland. He always puts on a fantastic show live and Born to Run is a highlight. It's just so manic, urgent and desperate and it builds and builds.
Pat, CEO, Focus Ireland, Galway
'Oh Yoko' by John Lennon
My 14.5 year old dog Yoko passed away on the 22nd January 2024, she meant the world to me and I had to let her go to sleep which left me heartbroken but the best thing for her as she was out of pain. This is a song I used to sing to her.
Rachel, Focus Ireland, Dublin
'Don't you worry child' by Swedish house mafia
'Don't you worry child. Heaven's got a plan for you' - it would have been nice to hear that when I was growing up. It is nice to listen to this now and maybe believe it a little.
Anonymous, Dublin Customer
'Yellow' by Coldplay
My Mum liked this song, and my son sang it at her funeral. It seems to randomly play on the radio now and again when I've been thinking of her or feeling a little low and it makes me smile. I can't wait to hear them sing this in their set in August when I see them in Dublin.
Sandra, Focus Ireland, Wexford
'Fast Cars' by Tracey Chapman
Love listening to this song on long road trips where you can belt out the lyrics! I always feel hopeful and optimistic when I listen to this - it gives me a feeling that something better is just about to happen.
Lucy, Focus Ireland, DUBLIN
'Put your records on' by Corinne Bailey Rae
There are so many songs that remind me of my Dad - he was constantly playing music when I was young and it’s something I can share with him now as an adult, even though he’s gone. This one brings me back to weekend breakfasts and summer BBQs in the garden.
Rachel, Focus Ireland, Dublin
'Sometimes you can't make it on your own' by U2
It was used in a video that was played at our Youth Housing conference a number of years back. It was the short film 'I can't sleep' about Lucy who left state care. Watching the video and listening to the words of the song really hit home to me. I wasn't long in the job but the video showed the difference I can try help make in the peoples lives that I can work with. It helped me acknowledge that sometimes we cant make it on our own and by supporting the customers we work with we can really help them make a difference in their own lives.
Patrice, Focus Ireland, Limerick
'In my life' by The Beatles
We played this at our wedding in 2016 as it's my husband's favorite song and it's now one of mine! The lyrics are so genuine.den.
Lorraine, Focus Ireland, Dublin
'This must be the Place' by Talking heads