
Homelessness can have many faces, and no one understands it better than those who have experienced it themselves.

Head over to our video section to hear powerful firsthand accounts from our LEAP (Lived Experience Ambassador Programme) Ambassadors, or read 14-year-old Chloe’s powerful story.

Al's Story

Des' Story

James' Story

Keilie's Story

Chloe's Story

Chloe's Story


Chloe's Story

It is impossible to imagine what homelessness must be like for a child or young person. But there are over 4,000 children in homelessness in Ireland right now and it so important that their voices are heard too. We asked Chloe* (aged 14) if she would be willing to share a little bit about what homelessness was like for her.

She and her family were forced into homelessness two years ago when their landlord put their home up for sale. That’s all it took. One phone call to say, “We’re selling”.

*Chloe’s name has been changed.